I am amazed at the turn of events in buying from the internet. Now with a model number or part number, you can very quickly get a price on most things. This is not all bad, but also not so good. When you purchase an item you should get the item specified, any manufacturer’s warranty, any seller’s warranty, and any other information to make the item useful for your project. There seems to be an idea that sellers offer no value other than price. I don’t think this is true and with over 50 years personally involved in the air compressor business, my memories bear this out. In the eighties and nineties it wasn’t so prevalent but with the advent of the smart phone, it can get out of hand. A vendor should be educated in his product, be available to visit, and hold your hand after purchasing by offering service, parts, and advice over the life of the product. Look at the auto industry where every dealer is operating on about the same purchase price, but without sitting down with the dealer’s sales people you cannot make a deal. Even after a price has been established you still must go to war with the Finance and Insurance guy who can change the whole deal. They do this to maximize the dollars on every sale, and to be sure you are happy with your purchase. These dealers are mostly very successful!
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