The primary benefit of this design is its ability to handle more seal liquid or liquid carryover through the suction compared to the flat plate design with less effect on power consumption and better performance when handling saturated inlet gas. The Maxima-C features a shrouded rotor and heavy-duty cones and bearings. Packed gland sealing is standard with optional mechanical seals available. Other features include removable bearing brackets, multiple inlet/discharge port configurations and a casing partition allowing for different operating pressures at each inlet port. The Maxima-C pumps are available in capacities ranging from 700 to 22,000 ACFM, multiple material configurations and are manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 quality standards. Bolt in replacements are available for the NASHTM CL series, 904 series and AT series. Selection of Maxima-C versus Maxima-K depends on operating conditions and the most efficient operating point.
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